Friday, January 29, 2010

Disabling foreign key constraints so you can delete records in Oracle

From time to time in Oracle we need to delete some records from a table which is referenced by foreign keys. Sometimes if you delete the records that refer to the records you are trying to delete you can delete them (if no records refer to those records primary keys). Other times even if no records refer to the records you are trying to delete you still will not be able to delete them just because of the presence of the foreign key. 

The workaround is after you verify that there are no records referring to the records you want to delete you can temporarily disable the foreign key constraint then delete your records then enable the constraints. To find the constraints run the following query after changing 'SOME_TABLE' to your table name:

select 'alter table '||a.owner||'.'||a.table_name||
' disable constraint '||a.constraint_name||'
from all_constraints a, all_constraints b
where a.constraint_type = 'R'
and a.r_constraint_name = b.constraint_name
and a.r_owner = b.owner
and b.table_name = 'SOME_TABLE'

You can also specify the schema I usually just check the output before running for tables with the same name in the same schema.

If you then copy the sql generated from this query you then run it to disable the constraints. Then run you deletes. Afterward just change the keyword "disable" in the statements and change them to "enable" and run that to enable the constraints.

If you were correct that there were not records referencing the records through the foreign key the constraint will enable successfully. If it doesn't then you just need to find the corresponding records and remove them.

For example if you ran the above query and 4 tables had foreign keys to 'SOME_TABLE' then the above query might generate the following:

alter table SOME_SCHEMA.TABLE1 disable constraint SOME_FK
alter table SOME_SCHEMA.TABLE2 disable constraint SOME_OTHER_FK
alter table SOME_SCHEMA.TABLE3 disable constraint SOME_OTHER2_FK
alter table SOME_SCHEMA.TABLE4 disable constraint SOME_OTHER3_FK

Run this then you will be able to successfully execute:

delete from SOME_SCHEMA.SOME_TABLE where ...

Then change disable to enable and run that:

alter table SOME_SCHEMA.TABLE1 enable constraint SOME_FK
alter table SOME_SCHEMA.TABLE2 enable constraint SOME_OTHER_FK
alter table SOME_SCHEMA.TABLE3 enable constraint SOME_OTHER2_FK
alter table SOME_SCHEMA.TABLE4 enable constraint SOME_OTHER3_FK
and your records are gone and your constraints are back up.  Just make sure you remove the records referring to the records you are trying to delete first!  Sometimes those records may not be deleted until some other constraints are disabled.  Follow the dependencies as deep as needed repeating this process for each table you can't delete from.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Go Proverb - Always look to the strongest cut

Do not miss the chance to cut when your cutting stone cannot be captured and the cut is advantageous (and preferably sente).

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mac OS X Enable Debug Menu Safari

I had to reinstall OS X the other day and I need to enable the debug menu again in Safari and I always forget how the heck to do it so I thought I would post it.

The trick is:
  1. Close Safari
  2. Open Terminal
  3. Type the following command in Terminal: defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1
  4. Launch Safari.
You should now see a new menu called Develop on the Safari menu. This is a very cool feature for developers. Inspect element is a nice feature and it has a lot of nice script debugging features.